4 Ways to Boost Your Immunity in Time for Back to School
It's about that time to head back to school. With all of the health concerns brought to light by the pandemic, it's never a bad idea to take a few extra precautions before school starts! There are a few simple things you can do to improve your health and boost your immune system. It starts with the little things and changing a few unhealthy habits - to help you look and feel your best! Once you begin to practice your new habits on a regular basis, they will become positive lifestyle patterns.
1. Eat Delicious yet Healthier Foods!
Eating a healthier diet on a daily basis is the best way to boost your immune system. Include naturally colorful foods like oranges, cherries, broccoli, and eggplant. Eat a rainbow of colors and the nutrients will find their way to you. Avoid processed foods as much as possible and eat foods when they are still at their peak freshness for the ultimate nutritional absorption. The more fruits and vegetables are cooked, the more nutrients they lose.
When shopping for produce, if possible visiting your local farmer's markets is the best option. Buy meats that are raised locally and butchered nearby. Flash frozen organic fruits & veggies are also a great way to get nutrients on a budget. And if you know your diet may be lacking a nutrient or two, add a quality supplement for extra nutrition.
2. Sweeten Up Lunch with Mānuka Honey
One of the best foods to add to your diet to boost your immunity is nature’s “medicine,” Mānuka Honey. It can be added to many different foods to sweeten them naturally and eliminate the need for processed sugar. Mānuka Honey is made using sustainable resources that are safe for the environment and Taylor Pass Mānuka Honey carries the highest UMF rating possible, ensuring each spoonful offers the most antibacterial benefits.

3. Boost Your Vitamin Intake
Vitamin C and D, Zinc, and Omega 3s are key immune boosters. Increasing the amounts of these nutrients will give your immunity an advantage as you or your little one start mingling with students and parents on campus. While it is preferred to get them naturally through the foods you eat, supplements are an excellent choice to ensure you are extra protected against germs.
4. Wash Those Hands!
Hand washing is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of germs. Most children look at it as a chore and often rush through the process, oblivious as to whether or not they actually get their hands clean or not. If you want to teach your children the importance of hand washing, make it fun! Buy colorful soaps or sing a song while they wash their hands. Making it an enjoyable experience ensures that they will wash their hands for a sufficient amount of time.
If you are looking for ways to live a healthier lifestyle, adding Manuka Honey from Taylor Pass is one of the best ways to accomplish that goal. Returning to school is an even bigger event than normal after an interesting year to say the least. Make it a fun event and do everything in your power to boost your family’s immune system so they can enjoy every minute of it!