7 Wellness Routines You Should Start for a Healthy Summer
The best way to enjoy the summer is to stay healthy because you know what they say… health is wealth! The best way to be continually healthy is to establish positive lifestyle habits. Many times we start to practice a healthy routine only to become complacent and return to the same patterns we are used to. If you want to be feeling your best, establishing healthy habits and actually sticking to them is key. Start establishing your summer routine now and you’ll be well on your way to a happy and healthy summer!
1. Establish Good Sleeping Habits
Good sleeping habits lay the foundation for a healthier, happier you. Most people need at least 8 to 10 hours every day to function at their top performance. Stress and poor eating habits can throw off your sleeping habits so try to relax before you go to bed. This means turning off your television and phone (steer clear from screens in general!) to clear your mind for an hour or so and avoid that melatonin stealing blue light. When it comes to eating or snacking, try to eat your last meal a few hours before bedtime. This should eliminate your food sticking around in your stomach, heartburn or other types of discomfort.
2. Create a Solid Morning Routine
It's easy to wake up (and thrive!) in the morning when you have a set morning routine that your body knows and loves. This may look like a cup of coffee, some toast, and a notepad with a pen so you can sit down, plan your day and mindfully ease into the day. It could also be lacing up a pair of sneakers and hitting the pavement for a run or knocking out an at-home workout video. Whatever works for you, find that routine and stick with it! Starting your day with the same routine makes it easier to wake up and focus on your daily tasks. Plan each day carefully to get the most out of every minute and try to wake up around the same daily, yes - even on the weekends!
3. Exercise or at Least Find a Way to Move a Little
For some, exercise is something they love. For others, it’s something they learn to love (or tolerate…) Determine your fitness goals and find a routine to help you reach that goal. While progress is not usually as quick as we’d like it to be when it comes to fitness, establishing a solid exercise routine you enjoy is important. And don’t be afraid to switch it up to avoid boredom! If traditional workouts are not your thing, think outside the box! There are always fun ways to move. Go for a walk every morning, play with your kids, put on some dance music when you clean your house or try out the latest TikTok dance routine!
4. Add Manuka Honey to Your Diet
When in doubt, add Manuka! Manuka Honey is naturally nutritious and so good for a boost of immunity year round, but especially leading up to Back to School season. Enjoy it straight from the spoon or add it to your favorite smoothie, juice or cold recipe to get the same benefits. Make sure to look for Manuka Honey with a UMF rating of 5+ to ensure you’re using an authentic New Zealand Manuka Honey with a high enough potency of antibacterial properties. The higher the UMF rating, the higher the antibacterial properties known for natural wound care, digestive health, skincare and treating colds and sore throats. Adding a tablespoon of Manuka Honey to your diet every day is a great step toward better health.
5. Hydrate!
Summer heat means an increased risk of dehydration. So don't let yourself get behind on your water intake! Carry a reusable water bottle with you at all times and take a drink every few minutes. Do your best to eliminate sodas and other carbonated beverages as the high level of salt they contain throws off your electrolytes and may actually do more harm than good. Remember that the word of the day for the summer is Hydrate! Hydrate!! Hydrate!!!
6. Include Seasonal Foods in Your Diet
Seasonal foods are a great addition to your diet and also help ensure you’re shopping locally! Stock up at your local farmer’s market or local farm. You can chop up a few freshly picked green peppers and onions for your summer salads, create a goat cheese and arugula flatbread pizza complete with an immunity-boosting Manuka Honey drizzle or mix up a fresh fruit salad. Seasonal foods will add a touch of color as well as flavor - and don’t forget the nutritional boost!
7. Get a Little Vitamin D, Naturally!
Last on the to-do list this summer is to add a little Vitamin D to your diet. You can either take it in supplement form or you can get it the old-fashioned way…. sunbathing! Spending a few minutes absorbing a little sunshine will allow your body to make all of the Vitamin D you will need for the rest of the day. In addition to the healthy boost of Vitamin D, the fresh air will do you some good as well.
And just like that, you’re ready for a healthy summer with routines you can carry into Fall and Winter.